[Below is a list of feats for the kobold in your 4th edition game]
Heroic Tier Feats:
Shake Off
Prerequisite: Kobold
Benefit: At the end of any turn in which you shift you gain a +1 bonus to saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Active Gambit
Prerequisite: Kobold
Benefit: When you use an action point you can shift 1 square as a free action.
Tactical Ploy
Prerequisite: Kobold
Benefit: Once per encounter, when an adjacent enemy moves away or an enemy moves adjacent you may shift 1 square as a free action.
Kobold Saboteur
Prerequisite: Kobold
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on thievery checks made to disarm or disable traps.
Mob Mentality
Prerequisite: Kobold
Benefit: You gain a +1 to hit enemies who are threatened by 2 or more of your allies.
Horde Initiate
Prerequisite: Kobold
Benefit: When aiding another you can make two rolls and use either result.
Paragon Tier Feats:
Horde Adept
Prerequisite: Kobold, Horde Initiate
Benefit: When aiding another you provide an additional +1 bonus (for example, from +2 to +3).
Shifting Ruse
Prerequisite: Kobold
Benefit: When a power would allow you to shift, you may forgo the movement to instead gain a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the start of your next turn.
Epic Tier Feats:
Lord of the Horde
Prerequisite: Kobold, Horde Adept, Horde Adept
Benefit: As a standard action you can grant an adjacent ally a minor action. He must spend this minor action immediately or it is lost.