Average Height: 5'4" - 6'0"
Average Weight: 140-200 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, + 2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Hylian [Common]
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Perception
Light on your Feet: You can shift in difficult terrain
Aerial Acrobat: You gain a + 1 bonus to your Reflex Defense
Rito Flight: You can use Rito Flight as an encounter power

Play a rito if you want...
◆ To be able to take to the sky above your foes
◆ To be a member of a close knit tribe that reveres a powerful dragon
◆ To be a member of a race that favors the bard, sorcerer, and rogue classes
Physical Qualities:
Ritos are very bird-like in appearance, and are believed to have evolved to their current state from another race. Their most prominent features are their large yellow beaks where a human's nose might be and an expansive set of wings under their arms. These wings fold and tuck neatly when not in use and are usually off-white with brown at the tips of the feathers. All Rito have red eyes and can have pale to tan skin, and white, brown or red hair, though white is the most common. They also have very small pointed feet like those of a bird, with small but still capable talons. Rito often wear lose, colorful robes which do not constrict their movement or flight. They wear few other adornments other than a belt and a bag to carry things while in flight. White, reds, golds and browns are popular colors in their garb and homes.
Playing a Rito:
The Rito live outside of the cities in mountainous terrain and can convert caves or low cliffs into suitable dwellings. Young Rito are called fledglings before they have gained the ability to fly. When they are ready, a fledgling will undertake the journey to the lair of the Rito patron exarc, the sky spirit Valoo. Once there Valoo bestows upon the fledgling one of his scales, which enables them to grow wings and fly. This is the Rito's most time-honored tradition and to refuse to go to Valoo, either from fear or inability, brings great shame to a Rito. Most Rito can only fly a short distance before becoming fatigued, but some more experienced and older Rito can fly over long distances and even carry other small humanoids for a short time. The Rito follow a tribal leader who is generally appointed by bloodline but they do not follow many strict laws other than cultural traditions. Rito are very competitive and will devise games to challenge themselves mentally and physically and compare their relative strengths.
Rito histories speak of a time when the race was flightless and had to use ropes and other tools to navigate the dangerous mountain terrain. Then the Rito found the sky spirit Valoo, who appeared as a gigantic and fearsome red dragon. Valoo granted the Rito his magical scales so that they may take to the skies like himself. Thus, the Rito are extremely grateful and reverent towards Valoo and would never think to disrespect him. The tribe will appoint a young female to serve as Valoo's attendant, to ensure that all sacred rites are performed perfectly. Traditionally the attendant will spend most of her time near Valoo and play the harp to calm his easily tripped temper.
While they do not live with other races, Rito enjoy traveling and have a penchant for becoming messengers due to their ability to cover vast distances quickly and without many provisions. Rito may seem aloof at first, but they quickly warm up to others who are friendly towards them and will welcome them into their homes. Many Rito are trained in combat from a young age, as they find it is best to always be prepared for any kind of attack. A good portion of the tribe will serve as guards to protect the Chieftan, the fledglings and the entrance to Valoo's lair. Even in small numbers the Rito are very capable at defending themselves and their homes because of their constant competition with each other to become better warriors.

Rito Characteristics: carefree, loyal, competitive, perfectionist, traditional, outgoing, reverent
Example Rito Names:
Male: Akoot, Basht, Hoskit, Ilari, Koboli, Namali, Pashli, Skett
Female: Beroke, Dakapo, Eliji, Harmonee, Kadenz, Kapela, Oktev, Opari
Examples of Rito in the Legend of Zelda: Medli, Komali, Quill, Rito Chieftan
Background and History in the Points of Light Campaign Setting:
No one remembers what the Rito were like before the great dragon Valoo settled in their region, but what is known is that rather than rely on dragonborn or kobolds for protection and company, Valoo elevated a fledgling race into what is now the modern Rito. For the gift of flight, and his ultimate protection from the dangers of the world outside their mountainous homes, the Rito care for and faithfully serve the dragon Valoo. When other races were striving to build and maintain vast empires, the Rito sought only to exist, in peace with themselves and the land around them. Recently however, with darkness pushing in on the boundaries of their land some Rito have begun to leave their ancestral homes. Envoys for peace and travelers seeking to unite the various points of light, the path these Rito travel may just end up protecting their home and traditions, but forging a pact that will ensure the safety of various humanoids and their homes.
Rito Lands in Points of Light Campaign Setting:
Most Rito live in a mountain range dominated by an impressive volcano. They create homes in hallowed out bedrock and caves in the mountains. They use the surrounding lands around their home for harvest and consider it as much their home as the rocky croppings from which they keep their vigil. While non Rito are welcome in Rito territory they may find various portions of their lands inaccessable without the ability to fly or an impressive skill at climbing.
For more information about the Rito: http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Rito
The Legend of Zelda and all official images are property of Nintendo
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